The best alternative lender for commercial real estate loans, Glenn Goldan is one of the finest and best alternative lenders in the industry.
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The mission of ReProp Financial is to provide funding to companies to help their business grow and increase their investments. Glenn Goldan is proud that his company offers real estate secured financing up to 90% of the value of the collateral for construction, transitional or long-term financing.
Here is a complete biography of Glenn Goldan that will help you understand how he became a leading alternative lender for small businesses.
Early life and Education
Real Estate Career in the Beginning
Glenn Goldan began his career in the field of real estate in 1976 and since then, has been improving his skills. He has successfully owned and operated five different real estate brokerage companies as well as two property management companies in California. In the Century 21’s worldwide system, his brokerage companies were in the top 10% for both services and volume because of his hard work and consistent success rate. Glenn has been able to provide some of the top commercial real estate loans, which not only helped business owners run their business but helped them generate profitable commission within the commercial real estate industry. The best thing about Glenn is that he has a lot of relevant experience, from brokerage to commercial real estate development to leasing and financing.

Launching of ReProp Financial
After gaining experience in the real estate brokerage and financing department, he launched his own startup company, ReProp Financial. It is a small balance commercial mortgage banking company that funds loans that are beyond the reach of traditional institutional lenders. ReProp Financial blends collateral and credit analysis to fund loans to small businesses and enterprises. The method used is completely different from how traditional private money lenders work, which is why investors often turn to ReProp Financial. Since its inception, ReProp Financial has underwritten, placed, and managed real estate financing on behalf of its private investors.
The main business venture of Glenn Goldan today is ReProp Financial. Glenn is working towards growing his company through expanding the funding capacity to all states. The goal is for ReProp Financial to become one of the top lenders in the industry for small business owners.
Playing an active role in the mortgage banking community
Glenn Goldan not only works as a private money lender for commercial real estate loans but he also plays an active role in the mortgage banking community. Glenn has previously or is currently serving the following institutions.
- California Trust Deed Broker’s Association where he served as Vice President and Legislative Chair
- California Mortgage Association (CMA) where he served as President, Vice President and Legislative Chair.
- Coastal Division Board of Directors for Umpqua Bank, which he currently chairs
- Glenn is also a sought out lecturer and has given numerous talks on commercial lending practices.
Serving Humboldt County
Glenn, his wife Shelle and daughter Hannah all play an active role in the community. They are heavily involved in youth sports, serving as Humboldt Sponsors and working as Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for abused or neglected children in order to provide them with a safe and healthy environment in permanent homes. Glenn has also served on the Board of Directors of Eureka Rotary and the Eureka Historical Preservation Commission.
Glen has also chaired the Redevelopment Advisory Board for the City of Eureka as well as the Private Industry Council for Humboldt County.
In addition he has been president of the Eureka/Humboldt Economic Development Corporation.